Friday 5 July 2013

Part 2: Keeping it REEL!

A continuation from last week's post... Knowing the difference between reels makes for a great fisherman, so this week lets "Keep it REEL!"

Here's a few more reels for you to take a look at:

Surf Fishing Reels

The surf fishing reels are a great option for those that do not have a boat. Casting from the beach and casting out far makes it great for big game fishing. These reels are known to have more strength than the conventional reels and with a powerful cast it can be highly accurate.

This type of reel offers outstanding control and allows to fish for a wide selection of different fish. It is a highly adaptable reel that can be used for multiple scenarios.

Fly Fishing Reels
With fly fishing you need to be able to cast in the right spot, so the reels have been designed with high accuracy in mind. They are extremely durable and last for many years. There are also different types of fly fishing reels specific to the type of fish you want to catch.

If you are looking to make a one-time investment in a fishing reel, then I would suggest you opt for a fly fishing reel.

Trolling Reels

These reels were designed purely for big game fishing. Trolling reels are smooth and can handle the fight when you're reeling in that big fish. Certain reels cannot handle big game combat, but with a trolling reel you are guaranteed to reel them in easily.

Centerpin Reels
As the reel runs freely from the axel, it allows for a long distance cast. Centerpin reels are great for big game fish, such as carp, because it gives you a lot of control over them. Mostly used by coarse fishermen, the centerpin reel was very popular in the 1960s in England. Today, however, it is not as widely used as some of the other types of reels.

Now that you have a bit more knowledge, go try some of these reels out. See which you like and come share your views and concerns on our forum or leave a comment below.

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